Glycolyisis is the anaerobic catabolism of glucose.
  • It occurs in almost all cells.
  • In eukaryotes, it occurs in the cytosol.
  • C6H12O6 + 2NAD+ -> 2C3H4O3 + 2NADH + 2H+
  • The free energy stored in 2 molecules of pyruvic acid is somewhat less than that in the original glucose molecule.
  • Some of this difference is captured in 2 molecules of ATP.

                                 Pyruvic Acid 


  • Pyruvic acid is decarboxylated and reduced by NADH to form a molecule of carbon dioxide and one of ethanol.
  • C3H4O3 + NADH + H+ -> CO2 + C2H5OH + NAD+
  • This accounts for the bubbles and alcohol in, for examples, beer and champagne.
  • The process is called alcoholic fermentation.
  • The process is energetically wasteful because so much of the free energy of glucose (some 95%) remains in the alcohol (a good fuel!).

In active MUSCLES

  • Pyruvic acid is reduced by NADH forming a molecule of lactic acid.
  • C3H4O3 + NADH + H+ -> C3H6O3 + NAD+
  • The process is called lactic acid fermentation.
  • The process is energetically wasteful because so much free energy remains in the lactic acid molecule. (It can also be debilitating because of the drop in pH of overworked muscles.)


  • Pyruvic acid is oxidized completely to form carbon dioxide and water.
  • The process is called cellular respiration.
  • Approximately 40% of the energy in the original glucose molecule is trapped in molecules of ATP.