Resistors ... line loss

Resistive loads
transduce electrical energy into heat
(molecular kinetic E) and light energy.

Resistance = V/I     measured in OHMs

Baseboard Heater Cooking Range Incandescent Lamp

> the value of a resistive load does not change significantly when source frequency changes 
(it does in capacitors and inductors!!!!)

> the resistance of a resistor changes as it heats up or cools

> typically the resistance of a resistor increases as temperature increases

Line loss

.... is the power lost when power is transmitted over a distance because even conductors have resistance that accumulates over distance
..... although not very noticeable, power is lost as heat from the wires 

the power lost in lines =
Line Loss =

example:100 ft length of  # 14AWG copper conductor has about 2.575 ohms

What power would be lost if 15A is sent over 11000 feet (about 2 miles/3.2Km) ?

AWG bare copper wire reference  Aluminum