Advertizing Flyer

       In this challenge you will create an advertising flyer for your company.
       It will  be colour printed out on a book folded 8.5 x 11 piece of  folded paper
           back to back  .  
                  pathways Creative Advertizing at SENECA

You must use creative techniques to inform and entice potential clients of your service while conforming to well established codes of ethics that are industry standards in North America. 

Your final product will start from a design need and demonstrate your abilities to:

a) use Office Publisher software to layout a visually appealing advertising flyer

b) use principles of design to entice the viewers eyes to focus in on the intended message and 

retain their interest while motivating them to procure your services and/or inform others

c) show ethical standards of communications

d) create graphics

e) export/import from one software package to another

Process     [check expectations]

1) Decide on the need your ad design will fulfill  

2) Use one of the following styles of layouts > folder, tent, etc. (not poster) to compose your ad (see below)

3) perhaps recycle images and logos from your business card and create new image (s) in a graphical tool ( i.e.  PhotoShop) and text  to generate a great advertisement in Publisher or Word.

4) Your evaluation sheet should be included when you submit your final copy along with the earlier proofs

Post Production : save file to a jump drive
print out on front desk computer in double sided mode in colour

note : booklet > landscape > width = 5.5"